Thursday, April 12, 2012

nine months

Macy turned 9 months old today. *sigh* It's so great to see Macy's personality coming through, and I love all the milestones, I just would LOVE to keep her little just a tick longer. Don't I just sound like every other mom on the planet?!

She's grown a TON in just a few weeks. Saying "dadadada" and "mamamama," waving good-bye, pulling herself up to standing, trying hard to move but still not crawling, and feeding herself bits of food not just baby food mush. But with all that growing and changing, she's still just as sweet as that little newborn that we met in July. She loves to cuddle, to be held, tickled, watch movies with Elise, sung to, play in the tubby, pet Indy, and be outside. Her favorite food right now is pancakes, and her favorite toy is anything of Elise's. :) What she hates: being left alone in a room, getting her diaper changed, getting dressed, and wearing socks.

As Elise gets more independent, and now as Macy seems to get bigger by the day (I know, she really does!) I feel more and more blessed and also anxious about raising these girls. Somehow the job just feels overwhelming at times. I pray that they'll be strong women, but also compassionate and serving. I want them to love others selflessly, but not be taken advantage of. I hope they are successful in whatever they choose to do, but also that they'll leave lots of room to change and grow as God leads. Is how I'm training them now going to get them there? Am I too hard, soft, generous, emotional, distracted.......and on and on.

That's where the power of prayer brings me to a place of rest and peace and hope. So, while we run around to Kohl's and the grocery store tomorrow, I know that what we talk about and how we treat people shape their world. I know that how we spend our money and our time is forming habits for their adulthood. But, I also know that running errands on Friday is just running errands. We'll buy sunglasses and rice cereal. We'll probably stop at every potty we come to. And my prayer is that in all of that, in the normal and the silly happenings of our week, God will do the shaping. God will use my attempts and also my failures, to teach my girls about HIS world and about how they are to be a part of it. In the end, it's only my job to point these girls to Him. To His will, love, grace.... HE does the rest.

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