Friday, March 19, 2010

17 months old

Am I crazy for keeping track of Elise's age in months? To me, 17 months is way older than 12 months, but it's definitely not 18 months. I know, maybe I'm a little nuts, but in my short experience, I haven't found another mom who isn't.

At 17 months, Elise can say a few works clearly, but most require a translator. She can sign please, thank you, more, all done, book, pipe, and sleep. I love the signing, and I think it helps her communicate what she wants a little easier. While I'm excited for her to talk, it's nice to know what she wants even though she can't actually say it.

Some of Elise's new favorites include: being pushed around the house in her cozy coup, walking around outside with daddy, walking anywhere instead of being carried, singing the ABC's and chiming in with "D" (the only letter she knows) at the right time, reading books, marching with mom through the house, riding on Sandy the horse at Meijer, "helping" mom with the laundry, playing rough (the rougher the better!), and flushing the toilet.

Here are a few pictures of the last couple weeks. I say it every few months, but this age just might be my favorite. We're having lots of fun!

1 comment:

  1. Cut, cute :) She is a smart little girl and I agree that 17 months is way different than 18 :)
