Our next big milestone came on Thursday when I realized that her feet were finally big enough for shoes! I was so excited for her to wear the little robeez that have been sitting in her closet for almost 4 months just waiting to be worn. I actually had a very difficult time picking out which shoes to wear each day, and I even kept them on for naps. :) So far she doesn't seem to mind them, and they really make her look like such a little person, not the little baby we met 3 1/2 months ago.
As if sleeping through the night and wearing shoes weren't enough, this morning she topped off the week with rolling over! She was playing under her Einstein gym, on her back, and all of a sudden she turned to her left and rolled over onto her belly! She was very proud of herself and even liked being on her tummy for a while. I've tried to get her repeat this very impressive stunt for Bryan, but it seems that she'll only do it when she wants to. Daddy will just have to wait and watch for her to do it again.
I used to wonder why moms got so excited for things like rolling over, but I'm right there now, and I just can't seem to contain my excitement for these things. Elise is becomming her own little person each day, and before we know it she'll be working on her first words and taking her first steps. I can't wait to celebrate all those milestones in the months and years to come.
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