Thursday, August 27, 2009

on the move

This is Elise's latest thing. She has figured out her push toy, and she loves to "walk" around the house. This video isn't great, but you'll get the idea. Now, if we could just teach her how to turn......


  1. LOVE the video!! I have one of Ella with that same exact toy ... except every time she hit the wall she'd plop down and scream. Then you hear a little voice and see a blond haired cutey turning it around saying "dats Ok baby lele ... dats ok".

    She's SOO going to be walking by her birthday!

  2. Too cute! I can't believe that she is almost walking! Time flies!
    Trey keeps asking to watch "Baby Elise" over and over (we've already watched the video at least ten times), and each time he asks "Where is Indy?". See, he really does love Indy. :)

  3. Samantha has figured out how to "walk" too. It's cute! But, yep, they need to figure out how to turn. :)

  4. I must confess....we ran right out and bought Isabella this walker and she is a little scared of it!! :) She loves cruising around furniture, but is still timid with this least she loves the front part! :) Elise is soooo going to be walking soon. Ryan and I watched the video with Izzy and she loved it...and she reminds us of Izzy with her "da" and grabbing the camera...they could be twinkies!!

  5. Isaac has loved watching baby Elise walk! It's currently more interesting than Beauty & The Beast!
