Thursday, May 21, 2009

80 degrees and Sunny!

How wonderful is it that it's springtime!?! I just came inside from being out on the deck, finishing a good book, and the windows are open.....oh how I hope for this weather to never end!
I ran to Meijer last night to get a few groceries, and I think it's so funny that after just a couple days of really nice weather so many of us have bad tan/burn lines! It just shows how desperate we all are for some sunshine after a long winter.

Bryan, Elise, and I have enjoyed a few of the best parts of summer already. We enjoyed ice cream at Captain Sundae, cleaned up the yard and spread bark (it looks so nice!), taken a couple walks with Indy, and had the top down on the convertible almost all week. We're looking forward to a fun memorial day weekend in Indianapolis for the race on Sunday. This is Bryan's most favorite event of the whole year!

Springtime has been so fun with a little girl! Elise is seven months in May, and all of a sudden she is bound and determined to move. She isn't crawling officially, but she can move around just enough for us to start thinking about baby gates. New favorites include her outdoor swing, the Velcro on her tennis shoes, her toes, anything paper, mom's purse, mango dessert baby food, singing-anybody singing anything, and Gerber puffs.

A quick bee update: the bees are doing great. They're making honey and honeycomb, laying eggs, the queen is healthy and happy, and so is the bee-keeper.


  1. We love your outdoor swing too! Trey always seems to notice when you are outside, and he runs to get his stool so that he can watch you out the window. Hope you don't mind that you are his constant source of entertainment! :)
