Monday, January 12, 2009

While it's snowing outside and Elise and I are considering a 3rd nap for the day...hers, not mine...I'm figuring my way through this new world of blogging. How fun!

It's been 12 weeks and 3 days since Elise entered our world, and I'm finally feeling like a least Elise's mom. People start calling you a mom as soon as you have the baby, but I think that it takes a few weeks...maybe months....before you really feel like one. I'm not sure what exactly happens that makes you a mom, but it might have something do with..... deciphering a hungry v tired cry, making all the noises to go with the animal picture book, taking pictures every day, singing head and shoulders, knees, and toes for the 10th time today with just as much enthusiasm as I had this morning, praying praying praying for Elise's health and well-being. I don't know for sure, but I can imagine that this mom thing gets more and more real as time goes by. So far, my identity as a mom seems like a novelty and a little awkward, too. But I bet that it becomes more a part of you each day....a natural, constant, wonderful and forever part of you.


  1. Yay for a new blog! I like your blogging style already! Hope you're staying warm today!

  2. welcome to the blog world...Elise is getting so big and so adorable!

  3. I am so impressed!! Welcome to the world of blogging. Watch out, it is addictive :)

  4. Hi Julie! Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. So glad you jumped in :) I LOVE it already ...

  5. Thanks for creating a blog. It will be fun to read about your adventures of becoming a mom. You have done a great job on your first one!!
    Love, Mom

  6. Hey Julie...this is great, thanks so much for doing this! What a fun way to keep up with you guys. She's a cutie!
