Monday, December 21, 2009

Not a Santa Fan

I've never been a Santa fan. I'm not anti-Santa, I just don't care for all the fuss about him. Bryan, on the other hand, grew up with Santa as a pretty big part of Christmas. Now that we have Elise, we were at a crossroads as to what to do about Santa this Christmas. We decided to take Elise to see him. It was a free picture, and she's so little, I reasoned that it wouldn't hurt anything to have a quick visit. So, on Friday we found out just how Elise feels about Santa, and I'm pretty sure that she's in my boat on this one...


  1. Oh my goodness, that last picture is PRICELESS! Love it! John and I didn't grow up with Santa in either of our homes, so we're with you too. We aren't anti-Santa, but we don't make a big deal out of him. In fact, Trey learned about Santa for the first time this year at daycare! We don't even know HOW to do the Santa thing, so we just don't do it.

    PS -- Santa is looking WAY too calm in that last photo. Could it be that he is used to kids screaming on his lap???? :)

  2. That's about how my kids would look if I took them to see Santa--not a big fan either!

  3. Hilarious! I am in the same boat as you and Chris is like Brian. So.. tomorrow we will go see Santa. My guess is Simon will react about the same as Elise! Makes for a great though!

  4. I meant to say - makes for a great picture though! Have a Merry Christmas!

  5. Priceless!!!! I am on "Team Julie" we didn't do Santa in our house and my poor Cohen hates anything that is dressed up..... needless to say it has made it real easy not to do the whole santa thing because we would seriously be torchuring our child.... so does look adorable in the photo -- growing sooo quickly :)

  6. Funny stuff!! I agree with you Julie :)
